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- Playing with the Sun
Ignite Talk
Designed for children and families, Playing with the Sun is a collection of activities that invite learners to follow their curiosity and build something powered by solar, wind, or muscles. In the process they develop their understanding of sustainable energy sources and their ability to create with them.
The Playing with the Sun construction kit was designed with librarians in Aarhus Public Libraries as an open-source project. Could librarian educators build their own creative learning activities, tailored to their own pedagogy, and share them with other libraries around the world?
Amos Blanton
Amos Blanton is an educator specializing in the design of open-ended creative learning experiences and environments.
He is currently researching collective creativity as a PhD Student at the Interacting Minds Centre at Aarhus University in partnership with Aarhus Public Libraries. He ran the Scratch online community at MIT Media Lab; designed learning through play spaces and activities with the Exploratorium, the Reggio Children Foundation, and LEGO; and helped land the FujiFilm Blimp.