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- Playing with the Sun
In this workshop we’ll tinker with a Playing with the Sun (PwtS) activity called “Cable Crawlers”, developed by library educators (https://www.playingwiththesun.org/).
PwtS works to create activities for children and families to playfully build together, laying the foundation for an intuitive understanding of sustainable energy technologies.
Maximum capacity: 24 people
Amos Blanton
Amos Blanton is a constructionist designer and educator who specializes in interest-driven environments, activities, and communities that nurture the learner’s curiosity.
In a research collaboration with Aarhus Public Libraries, Interacting Minds Centre, and Studio Olafur Eliasson, he is designing activities and environments that invite collaborative creativity and explore cultural transmission, identity, and shared decision making. At the session, there will also be a team of maker-librarians from Aarhus Public Libraries that are working with Amos to develop the Playing with the Sun construction kit, along with other open-ended learning activities using the kit.