Playful hybrid workshops for fostering a creative learning community - Next Library

Playful hybrid workshops for fostering a creative learning community

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  • Playful hybrid workshops for fostering a creative learning community


In this session, we will share how we used a hybrid approach (blended in-person and online) in our professional development workshops to foster creative library communities. Participants will experiment with a workshop mapping activity to explore and share other ways of playfully connecting large communities.
Our work at PLIX connects libraries and researchers to co-design playful learning experiences that can be adapted for local needs and interests.

Maximum capacity: 25 people



Ada Ren-Mitchell

Learning Programs Designer (MIT Media Lab)
Ada Ren-Mitchell loves playful learning. She is passionate about bringing people together to share interests and address community concerns. Find her at NEXT Library to chat about embodied learning, STEM education, and creative learning!

Time and place

Date: May 16, 2023
Time: 12:15 - 14:00
Place: Small Hall


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