Developing a Playful Learning Construction Kit in the Library for the Library - Next Library

Developing a Playful Learning Construction Kit in the Library for the Library

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  • Developing a Playful Learning Construction Kit in the Library for the Library


As part of research into play and creativity, Amos Blanton and educators from Aarhus Public Libraries developed Playing with the Sun, a set of Tinkering activities and a construction kit designed to invite children to develop an intuitive sense of how sustainable energy works. In this talk I’ll give a sense of how the project emerged, the processes used to create it, and how other libraries can build the open-source kit themselves.

Maximum capacity: 32 people



Amos Blanton

Amos Blanton is a constructionist designer and educator who specializes in interest-driven environments, activities, and communities that nurture the learner’s curiosity.

Time and place

Date: May 16, 2023
Time: 12:45 - 13:15
Place: IRIS Lab


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