Call for ideas 2023 - Next Library
  • Call for ideas 2023


In 2023 Next Library will be back in Aarhus: May 14-16. We invite you all to be part of the co-creation of the event – and to explore how we can also add some kind of digital layer to the event so that more people can participate. We want to learn from all the experiments that have taken place during the pandemic. And we want to reinvent the way we meet in a physical conference.



Submit your ideas in comment field below, please. We welcome all kinds of input: Whether it’s a burning question, a small topic, an idea for a social event, a challenge or just something you’re wondering about and would like to learn more about!

Deadline September 11th. See also the full timeline of Next Library 2023.

We look forward to see all your ideas!


Next Library 2023 is organized by Aarhus Public Libraries

in collaboration with Next Library Advisory Board, partners & sponsors
Reach out if you wish to join as a partner or sponsor for Next Library 2023:


You need to be a member of Next Library to add Ideas!


March 27, 2023, 19:22

Arash Goodarzi

Book as a kind of media is less notified. In the communication eara we will ask:

- What kind of communication book can stablishes as media?

- what differencea are there between book and other universal media?

- what communities are related to each other by books?

- Are there any imagine link between generations by book?

- what will be the approach of the next generation to the book?

- Can book represent the the voice of less presented voice?

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November 24, 2022, 09:37

Erik Boekesteijn

EU LightHouse Libtraries Academy : Forthcoming the Newcomer project with Public Libraries 2030 we shine light on the pilot course Community Librarian with participants from more than 4 countries in EU

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September 13, 2022, 14:39

Kim Farah Giuliani

„Kinging in the library“ / „Librarykingz“

We would like to dicuss about and work together on these topics: enhancing early literacy and living together in a democratic society. Our special focus would be on the role of the work of drags in and with the library, as hosts / role models / artists / authors and more. Especially the impact of Dragkinging in the promotion of reading in the library would be a focus for us - maybe in a workshop or another format for exchanging perspectives, experiences and development of ideas in our libraries. We could imagine to host a workshop ourselves and are looking forward to the NLC-Themes 2023!

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September 12, 2022, 12:46


1. My burning question are as follows;

(i) After the inception of COVID-19, what are some of the solutions being applied in libraries?

(ii) With the use of Internet, how are libraries coping up with its library services since people can have or find information materials on the internet?

2. The topic that is important to talk about is "Transformational leadership and the Role of in information in Libraries."

3. The wild card events or social surprises I would like to experience at Next Library 2023 are the ignite talks where my fellow librarians will be sharing the experiences in their libraries and interactive dinner.

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September 11, 2022, 23:59

Annette Wagner

A subject everybody is confronted with every day but nobody likes to speak about is the use of a toilet and the question where our Poo and Pee go. In many countries on the globe Pee and Poo are wasted, flushed away wasting another precious natural ressource: water.  Holy shit! It's high time to talk about and to educate on this subject in a funny and substantial way! Being a freelance science journalist (based in Bremen, Germany but with international experiences) as well as  a recognized creator of Interactive Workshops for Libraries, Schools and Open Spaces I have adapted "Holy shit!" as an educative format, provocative and inspiring, and would love to present and improve my idea of entertaining and provocative education at NEXT LIBRARY  by getting feedback from international Library experts.

Why is this a topic worth talking about on a next library conference? Three strong reasons, resulting from different workshops and impulse formats I have created and conducted round this fundamental subject within the last three years for different targed audiences:
1. Power of Poo: Can we afford to not recycle human 'leftovers' in a climate crisis struck world where everybody is desperately looking for alternative sources for energy and heating? Using biogas produced from Poo is one sustainable solution which is working.
2. Transcultural Potential: discussing about toilet construction, the outfit items wanted and the cultural rules defined for using a loo is creating intense communication at eyelevel between peole from different countries, cultures and climate zones. The only really transcultural workshop for Bremen refugees and immigrants financed by Bremen the Social Senator in 2016 and 2017 was our "Toilet Talk"
3. Every Library has a Toilet - imagine if it did not? Fullfilling SDG No 6 - the human right to have clean water and a hygienic toilet - is the key to achieving many of the other SDGs

I'd love to come to Aarhus with my 'teaching throne' - the mobile composting toilet I use for interactive workshops in public libraries


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September 11, 2022, 20:15

Bookworm Library

Dear NEXT Library Team

We were happy to collaborate with you on the NEXT festival last year. We would like to share below a few suggested topics for this year.

- Libraries as spaces of dialogue and resistance against unconstitutional acts
- Libraries beyond just literacy 
- Recognising the profession of Librarians as a separate domain through professional development courses
- How can libraries extend into spaces that need it the most 
Thank you and we look forward.
Bookworm Team
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September 10, 2022, 16:24

Kim Farah Giuliani

  • In octobre we are having a workshop at ZLB about the question, how libraries could take a role in being a digital third space additionally to our role as physical, social third place. We will discuss this question with our colleagues, members of our local government and representatives of central organisations dealing with the digital transformation. So our idea here would be to bring parts of the workshop to Aarhus and discuss and work together on this question.
  • An idea, which we consider interesting for the NLC but wouldn’t rather host a workshop / keynote ourselves deals with the following question: How are libraries influenced by the current crises (war in europe, possible energy shortages, still a pandemic, …). What influence do these circumstances have on our work for users / visitors, our services and maybe also our staff?
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September 6, 2022, 11:12

Dina Ntziora

The global COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the arts and cultural sector both in Athens and across Greece. The library and community sector has seen radical disruptions to many of its routines, funding sources and relationships. Yet, physical distancing has shown all of us how much we need and value connection, culture and libraries as places of sanctuary. 

With the latest development in Ukraine, Europe’s safety has been shaken,and citizens seek places to feel as sanctuary, where they can come together as communities and show solidarity and connection. At the same time, everyone can affirm that libraries constitute one of the most reliable means available to contemporary developed societies to overcome the crisis.

The current levels of psychosocial distress in society are significant, as evidenced by the number of prescribed antidepressants and the numbers of working days lost as a result of stress and anxiety. There is a growing body of evidence that active involvement in creative activities provides a wide range of benefits, including the promotion of well-being, quality of life, health and social capital. One of the most pressing public health concerns is mental illness, a condition that affects hundreds of millions of people globally. In fact, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health condition at some point in their lives. That means 4 in 4 people are significantly and profoundly impacted directly or indirectly.

Whilst the current Covid-19 crisis has brought untold personal, social and economic tragedy, we also want to know how people's lifestyles have changed and what opportunities there might be for people-centred reinvention.

People’s wellbeing and mental health are being tested in ways we couldn’t have imagined. We need to prioritise our most vulnerable in society, as well as the key workers who are over-stretching themselves now for all of us.

The quality of the physical environment and connection to other people will be a big part of looking after our wellbeing. Those who have good access to the things they need nearby, quality green space and streets that are easy to walk and cycle on are feeling healthier, less stressed and appreciating the slower pace of life.



Through Libraries on Prescription, it is clear that the act of creating something tangible had a transformative effect on people. Whether through visual art, music, artistic movement, photography – all art forms provided people with tools to express emotion, experience or thought in a way that they may not have had access to before. The Libraries who facilitated spaces for Libraries on Prescription will help to give people these tools, partnering with them to bring the positive changes that they wanted to see in their own lives. 


We would like to first create an Advisory committee of 5 medical and wellbeing professionals who will be able to guide us through any health challenges our Programme faces along the way, ensuring that health protocols and support is provided across our Programme strands.


Through the initial research of the Programme we will select four locations (one will be in Athens) across Greece where we will identify Libraries and local Health Services who would be willing to join the Programme and have the skills and capacity to join us. Through the Training Programme at the first strand of Libraries on Prescription, we will train up all members of staff and other interested local stakeholders on the rational of this Programme, making sure they are equipped with the right Tools and have created a strong local network to launch their own Libraries on Prescription scheme for the local community. 


Locations we are hoping to implement this Programme, are those who have suffered serious trauma and disasters the last years:

Athens (socio-political crisis)

Lesvos (refugee crisis)

North Evia (natural disasters),

as well as an addition of one location which we will decide once we complete Strand 1 and after discussion and advice from Librarians and PSS workers who will participate at the Course, on what the challenges of their communities have been those last two years together with the covid19 global crisis.


Health services (local GPs, or PSS services) will be referring patients to the services the local Library provides, while we will also monitor the effect on their following factors:

  • Wellbeing
  • Mental health
  • Connection with the local community
  • Other skills developed
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September 1, 2022, 18:46

R. David Lankes

As libraries become more reflective of their unique communities, how they look, what services they offer, and how they include community members in their operations mean they look less and less like other libraries or some standard. What is the role of networks, consortia, and joint organizations in this world? They can't serve everyone alike, or build common services past a certain level. I'd like to think through how they must become more peer connection/learning/and mentoring systems. Where the common thread between diverse libraries are library staff, not functions or job titles. What does that look like?

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September 1, 2022, 16:27

Megan Lotts

I'd like to learn and engage more with my colleagues who are working & researching on the topics of Play and Active Learning. I believe this is an important future for Libraries, want to learn more, and would be happy to present my own ideas and research on the topic. Also more Play & Creativity workshops please!

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September 1, 2022, 14:05

Jan Delong

I've left my library job after 10 years. I packed not only my stuff but also great memories and especially a lot of experience. I moved from librarianship to philanthropic sector and I’m working at a small endowment fund which is providing advisory and helping philanthropists doing good and bring positive changes into a society. It might sounds far, far away from libraries but in my new job I use almost every day what I’ve learned being a libraries. Especially when it comes to people and their needs and communities.
So my suggestion is to provide space to people who has similar experience like me and give them a opportunity to share what they’ve learned during their own library experience (being a librarian). Form of this part of program can be various – discussion, presentations, human library or just a physical space for sharing stories how libraries changed ones lives and pushed to new opportunities or boosted their further careers. ✌️

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September 1, 2022, 13:59

Shirley Bateman

How do we ensure that our library collections and spaces reflect and represent the diversity of our communities?

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September 1, 2022, 12:37

I am asking for a bigger discussion about how we can use open access databases to educate the public about scientific research and sourcecriticism! How do we make OA resources user friendly for a bigger target group than just academia? To make the public critical thinkers we need them to get access to scientific studies and scientific materials. We should also start the education in schools about these matters earlier!

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August 31, 2022, 18:31

Betsey Suchanic

How do public libraries support their local economy? How can public libraries support entrepreneurship? How can public libraries support entrepreneurship for those that face the greatest barriers? Who should libraries be partnering with to bolster their role as a local economic engine? 

As libraries build upon their roles as trusted community anchor institutions, they continue to step up in new ways to serve as crucial partners in their local economies. Since 2018, the Urban Libraries Council (ULC) has explored the role public libraries play in nurturing and promoting entrepreneurship in their communities, particularly reaching and engaging those who have the greatest access barriers to business ownership - people of color, women, immigrants and justice-involved residents. Central to this work has been a peer-learning cohort of 12 North American public library teams that have piloted programs and services to create access to resources, mentors, information, digital skills and business training. 

As this work has evolved, public libraries within the cohort began taking an ecosystem approach to their entrepreneurship services and partnerships. This orientation seeks to look holistically at the local entrepreneurship services and infrastructure within a  community. Library teams supported the development of a framework and efforts to inventory and map the assets and needs of local entrepreneurs based on three core needs: community, support and capital. 

This session proposes an interactive mapping exercise that helps libraries understand their partners, assets and needs for their local economy and identify next steps.

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August 31, 2022, 10:45

As one of the originators of resource sharing and responsible consumption, Scottish libraries (along with colleagues across the globe) are embracing their role in sustainable living. This is being reflected in internal policies and expansion of what can be borrowed to allow communities to share resources responsibly. As providers of trusted information, public libraries are equipping individuals with the facts they need to live more environmentally responsible lives.

Building on Erik Boekesteijns suggestion of a workshop together with the amazing Michael Edson “How can libraries and other cultural institutions facilitate better in saving the planet?”

I would  love to share our knowledge and experience on being a Climate Beacon on the run up to COP26 (Climate Beacons is a Scotland-wide collaborative project between climate change or environmental organisations and arts, heritage or cultural organisations to stimulate long-term public engagement in the lead-up to and following COP26) and how working with the Scottish Library and Information Council have looked to circular economy business models and how they can help libraries reduce their environmental impact, how the circular economy directly feeds into the climate change challenge.  I would love to showcase The “Lend and Mend” project  which plays very much to aims of FORWARD, the new public library strategy for Scotland public libraries and  will make a meaningful contribution to Scotland’s progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The £300,000 investment in public libraries is a great hand up to the community and the communities which they work in. In many ways the timing has never been better when there is renewed focus on sustainability and people are grappling with the cost of living crisis.

More info on the project and a video is available here:

Hearing from other Green Libraries who are challenging the climate crisis and sharing best practice and examples of practical changes that can help deliver positive outcomes would be wonderful. Together we can develop environmentally, socially and economically responsible solutions for the effective operational and service delivery moving forward.

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August 31, 2022, 10:31

Lisbeth Mærkedahl

Erik Boekesteijn suggests Sustainability as an overall theme

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August 30, 2022, 12:54

Malin Klintholm

Wikipedia is a website that conveys knowledge in a global perspective. It is an open platform where everyone participates voluntarily and is based on the common vision of gathering all the world's knowledge. Through free knowledge, more people can learn and share information about the challenges we face. The basis for sustainable development is participation and equality. There are over 300 language versions of Wikipedia and it is estimated that over 200,000 people edit each month on one of the projects. The platforms are designed and developed for global collaboration. It is thus possible to reach many people through collaborations across country and language borders. For libraries, it is another way to be seen as part of an ecosystem of knowledge. To be relevant on a platform where more people can add and contribute with more perspectives. What advantages are there for libraries to operate on Wikimedia's platforms? What happens if we choose to stand outside?

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August 30, 2022, 11:23

Helle Ratz

Glostrup bibliotek har et 1 årigt forsøg med det gebyrfrie bibliotek Glostrup Bibliotek dropper gebyrerne | Glostrup Bibliotek det kunne være spændende at dele vores erfaringer med andre. Og tale generelt om gebyrer som en væsentlig del af vores budget, som man måske burde drøfte i kommunerne. Er det fair? Er det en god idé? Hvilke erfaringer har vi gjort os med det gebyrfrie bibliotek?


VH Helle


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August 29, 2022, 21:48

Anette Mjöberg

The childrens librarian  in Hässleholms Public Library in Sweden want to inspire others to design furniture/ furnishing with local carpenters and metalcompany to the library. I think we have the only bookshelf in Sweden there the back of the bookshelf is made of sound-absorbing materia designed by librarians. Some if our lamps are also designed by them and maid of absorbing materials like poopy and acorn. Trying to work so sustainable and locally produced
we want to get ideas to others.

Anette Mjöberg

Library director Hässleholms Public  Library


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August 29, 2022, 08:47

Erik Boekesteijn

Workshop together with the amazing Michael Edson on creating and curating a world wide toolkit to help GLAM institutions to work on a local scale with global impact.

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August 27, 2022, 02:06


Take library out onto the waters. See the city and humanity from that vantage point. Take in the histories of life on boats, the environments, the pace, the slow & quick moments. Where information sharing and knowledge building has occurred on waterways.
Are there barges/tugboats/cargo ships/dinghy’s we could visit?

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August 26, 2022, 14:19

Louise Lærke Porsborg Gatten

I'd find it very interesting to look deeper into "sense of place". A discussion about how we as a Libraries create a sense of place. What does it take?  Emotional bonds? Physical elements? (cultural) Experiences? Connections between people? AND how can we create that unique sense of place on our digital platforms.


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August 26, 2022, 04:31


My idea is to have a workshop or some other interactive session to discuss the role that libraries are playing in today's most pressing issues - response to censorship, LGBTQ rights, women rights, war, natural desasters and climate change, political games, etc.

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August 25, 2022, 15:53

We all love listening and telling stories. Why not participate in an online LARP Session where all the interesting points about libraries can come true? Why not play famous characters or become well known literary masterminds?  It would be interesting to try out interactive and immersive storytelling and learn how to organise one as well.

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August 24, 2022, 16:33


Post pandemic, we are seeing a decline in library usage. Example: previously in our city, 40 % of citizens were loan customers yearly and now the share is stalling at 33 % for the second year. How can we reverse this worrying trend? What are your best practices for attracting new customers and retaining the old ones?

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August 19, 2022, 12:42

Tsila Hayun

In March 202 years of preparations for the opening of the new building of the National Library of Israel will come to an end. The new building is an architectural expression of the vision of the library, which is 130 years old and is one of the oldest cultural institutions of the State of Israel and of Israeli society. The vision was to transform the library, which was located inside a university campus, into an influential, vibrant, and crowd-attracting national cultural and educational center

How the vision was formed?, what the action plans were?, the many difficulties and challenges, and what is happening now in the old/new library which stands in a beautiful and impressive building in front of the Israeli parliament building

Dilemmas? Arguments and conflicts? Fundamental questions about the place of the library in society? In the process of construction and reconsolidation - all these will be presented to the audience

In a lecture that  can combine with a round table discussion - if you want


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August 11, 2022, 21:23

Mette Rabæk

I have a specific idea on how to co-create something during the conference and get a sense of what co-creation is:

Together all Next participants could create something: a library, a city or perhaps an open book with a story displayed. It should be visible (build in cardboard or recycled materials) and growing throughout the conference. Along with the building we could create a story or a poem that tells the story about what happens in the library or city. Everybody should contribute to the work by building a small part and/or writing a sentence and the parts could be assembled by a professional artist or architect and a writer.

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August 11, 2022, 20:57


I'd love to discuss the intersections of social justice and intellectual freedom. The concept of libraries being neutral is continually coming up. It would be great to get a global perspective of how we can pursue social justice, while still providing a space where all are welcome.

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August 9, 2022, 21:12

Anna Au

I am the host and creator of the library podcast Between The Stacks. It is a podcast where library people share their firsthand library story. In Next Library 2023, I want to have a session to invite librarians to tell their human stories to show the humanity of libraries to the general public. I have had a similar online session in Next Library 2021 and I want to do it in person this time.

Participants should sign up to tell their story before the conference and I will offer coaching. This will then become a storytelling event which is a great format of engagement and will invite spontaneous storytelling from the audience.

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You need to be a member of Next Library to add ideas!

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