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- Libraries + SDGs: the built environment’s role
The built environment has a critical role to play in helping libraries contribute to the UN’s SDGs. Aligning a library’s building with strategies for climate action, community-building, and connection and human well-being:
- positions the library to contribute to community resilience;
- ensures the building is an effective tool in service of its mission;
- inspires positive ripple effects in sustainability and social equity.
Activating an emotional connection to place inspires people to be better stewards of it, something our planet desperately needs. Libraries are in a unique position to instill a love of place by modeling proper stewardship of natural resources (in their design and operations) and by creating pride of place in their building designs.
And yet many people don’t “see” the potential of their buildings. This workshop will generate awareness of how the built environment can contribute to mission and service goals, including the SDGs.
Maximum capacity: 32 people
Traci Engel Lesneski
Traci Engel Lesneski, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
CEO and president of MSR Design, Traci focuses on design for learning. She promotes an integrated design approach—equally valuing human well-being, equity, building performance, aesthetics, and delight. Recent building projects Traci has led include the award-winning VCAM building—a 24/7 visual culture, arts, and media creative hub for Haverford College in Pennsylvania—and Missoula’s new library and culture house in Montana, the first project in the Americas to be named IFLA/Systematic Public Library of the Year. Traci regularly contributes articles to publications and lectures nationally and internationally about the built environment’s role in fostering well-being, promoting learning, and creating inclusive and cohesive communities. Traci is co-chair of the American Library Association (ALA) Core Building & Operations Section Leadership Team, past chair of the American Library Association (ALA) Architecture for Public Libraries Committee, and a member of the International Federation of Libraries and Associations (IFLA) Library Buildings and Equipment Section Standing Committee. She is also member of the AIA Minnesota Community of Practice for Culture Change Core Team.
Time and place
Time: 10:30 - 12:30