Idea - Next Library

I’ve left my library job after 10 years. I packed not only my stuff but also great memories and especially a lot of experience. I moved from librarianship to philanthropic sector and I’m working at a small endowment fund which is providing advisory and helping philanthropists doing good and bring positive changes into a society. It might sounds far, far away from libraries but in my new job I use almost every day what I’ve learned being a libraries. Especially when it comes to people and their needs and communities.
So my suggestion is to provide space to people who has similar experience like me and give them a opportunity to share what they’ve learned during their own library experience (being a librarian). Form of this part of program can be various – discussion, presentations, human library or just a physical space for sharing stories how libraries changed ones lives and pushed to new opportunities or boosted their further careers. ✌️

Next Library 2023 is organized by Aarhus Public Libraries

in collaboration with Next Library Advisory Board, partners & sponsors
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